Oasis Skateboard Factory – Curriculum by Design from CEA / ACE on Vimeo.
Craig Morrison started the skateboard school after running a skateboard art class for 3 years. Motivated by its success, he pitched the idea of starting a satelite program. Although he says it was a leap of faith, it seems to be proving itself with fantastic results.
There is detailed description of how and what they cover at the school here and hereBut here are a few examples of what and how they cover some curriculum areas
- English grouping, english, media and leadership, a focus on business writing- writing technical specs of there products, produce their own zine distributed and sold at art shows, write for a professional skateboard magazine.
- For leadership, students become teachers through workshops in local schools and youth arts programs.
- Business credits including entrepreneurship and marketing- run in partnership a local business. The students experience building there own company, branding, production and merchandise.
- Visual and street art.
- and of course skateboard design
These are just a few highlights gathered from a Canada Education article, which has lots more detail, but I think the kids put it best in the video.